Moving to California

About a year ago, I was packing away my home into boxes, getting ready to move across the country. I had known for years after my partner joined a battery company, that there was a possibility I would eventually be making a trek to the NorCal bay area, Land of Technology Startups. Still, knowing this did not prepare me for the reality of moving away from my lifelong friends and family. For years, my partner and I would say to each other "We'll deal with it when, and if, the time comes." That day finally came, and even though it was exciting news for his company, I admit I was pretty down in the dumps. I thought I had had my future planned out already. 

After purchasing my first home in Atlanta, I had grown to be perfectly fine with the idea of living in Atlanta for the rest of my life. Sounds lame and boring? I know. But I loved the city. Loved seeing it grow over the past 2+ decades. Loved being close to my childhood friends, college buddies, and family. Loved being in the hip hop capital of the world. Loved Southern cheese grits and sweet tea! Being a meticulous project manager by nature and by profession, spontaneity is not something that I can easily embrace. I take comfort in mitigating risk and unknowns. You can imagine how journeying across the country without a solid plan was affecting my mental and emotional well-being. It was like building product without any designs or specs. Or more like, having designs and specs planned out, but then learning afterwards that the project was going to head in a completely different direction. What a nightmare! 😆 I envy world-travelers who can pick up everything they own and move from one country to another without hesitation. 

These past months on the west coast have been no doubt exciting, but not without bumps along the road. Behind many of my "fun" Instagram posts of Cali adventures was also sadness, uncertainty about the future, and some of my lowest moments. Since moving here, I've had to make several difficult decisions, decisions that I am still not 100% certain about. But in doing so, I've learned a lot about myself - my true passions, values, inspirations, and aspirations. Only time will tell if they were the right decisions. I am hopeful. 

I do know one thing, as we're approaching the one year moving anniversary mark - I AM loving California. I definitely do not miss the Atlanta heat (and cold) and mosquitoes. Although I still miss my hometown and hate that I've missed out on big milestones of loved ones, I am thankful that we chose to embark on this journey. I don't think I would have done anything differently. Home is where the heart is and I'm happy to call California my new home.